
About – Directorate of University Advancement

About - Directorate of University Advancement


The Directorate has been able to forge relationships and secure commitments required to advance the institution’s mission and priorities. Linkages and affiliations have been established with some institutions, which have led to signing of memoranda of Understanding (MoU) and other partnership arrangement between the University and the institution.

The Institutions are:

  1. Utah State University, USA (September, 2009)
  2. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan (December, 2009)
  3. The Center for Superconductivity Technologies (TCST), in Abuja ( January, 2011)
  4. McGill University, Canada ( February, 2010)
  5. Tennessee State University, USA ( October, 2010)
  6. University of Boras Sweden (November, 2010)
  7. Commonwealth Secretariat;
  8. Association of African Universities;
  9. Kentucky State University, USA. (2012)
  10. Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytecnic, Uwana, Afikpo. (2016)
  11. University of Washington, USA (2017)
  12. Purdue University, USA – in area of Engineering and sciences (2017)
  13. International Astronomical Union (Office of Astronomy for Development. (2017)
  14. West African International summer School Project, Ghana (2017)
  15. National Mathematical Centre Abuja (2017

Also, these linkages have created enabling environment for:

  1. Staff/student exchanger;
  2. Short and medium- term research visits for staff and graduate students;
  3. Collaborative research activities;
  4. Joint proposal writing for external funding;
  5. Collaboration in the area of Distance learning Education;
  6. Exchange of scientific materials and information;
  7. Development of pilot plant for electricity and biogas production from waste in MOUAU and extend same to our model villages in the immediate communities ( organized by NUC)
  8. Environmental impact Analysis involving Lightening Activity ( worldwide Lightening Location Network)

Directorate of University Advancement