The objectives of the Michael University of Agriculture, Umudike are as follows:
In view of the above stated mission and objectives, and while fully aware of its national responsibilities, the University will ensure that its research and extension activities are responsive to the needs of the farmers in the agro-ecological zone in which it is located. Specifically the University will adopt the bottom-to-up approach in the planning and implementation of research, and in development and transfer of technology to the farmers. Hence, the immediate enhancement of the well-being of the farmers is the focal point of the University.
The goal of the present MOUAU administration is to concentrate its energy and resources on the well-articulated actions plan tailored after the objectives for the achievement of the set goals, viz:
Furthermore, the observed eight programmes yet to take off out of the earlier thirty-three proposed post graduate programmes, shall form part of our academic projects.
The Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike conceives food as one of the indicators of state power and national security. The University is anchored on the philosophy that national development could be enhanced by properly integrated and coordinated agricultural education. Thus, the University strives to contribute to Nigeria’s greatness through self-sufficiency in food and fibre production as disseminated through teaching, research, training and extension. As one of the three Universities established by the Federal Universities of Agriculture Decree, No 48 of 2nd November 1992.