Welcome to the Directorate of ICT, MOUAU. The Directorate of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) was established in January 2008 with the aim of piloting, developing, and the realization of the ICT Strategic Plan for the University. Dr. Ray C. A. Unamma was the pioneer Director of DICT. Professor Gideon Onuekwusi succeeded Dr. Unamma as the Director of DICT in 2016. Mr. Sunny Eyeh is the current Acting Director of the directorate of ICT since 3rd January 2022. The directorate coordinates and ensures proper deployment of ICT solutions and services in administration, teaching, learning, and research activities. It is also responsible for the capacity development of staff and students in evolving new trends in ICT.
The vision is to exploit ICT to its full potential thereby assisting the University in elevating its position to a centre of academic excellence.
Our mission is to integrate ICT in all aspects of Teaching, Learning, Research and Community Development endeavours by providing, coordinating and facilitating the use of ICT in all activities of the university in order to accelerate change.