
Home – Directorate of University Advancement

Professor Chukwuma O. Ofor Director, DUA

Welcome Message


 The Directorate of University Advancement (DUA) is one of the Directorates in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU). The DUA was established in 2007.


The duties of Directorate of University Advancement include the following;

  • Prospecting for partnerships, collaborations, cooperation and linkages between MOUAU and other private and public institutions both locally and internationally, with a view to accessing resources and facilities available in the public domain to supplement and support the work of this University and its staff in promoting our institutional objectives;
  • Serving as a resource database for assisting staff who are prospecting for fellowships, scholarships, research grants, travel fellowships as part of their career development;
  • Initiating and sustaining action in the area of seeking for endowments, gifts, scholarships, prizes and other forms of assistance from private individuals to deliver results in the various areas of its endeavor through improved facilities and enhanced resources;
  • Initiating and sustaining action in the area of increasing the base for internally generated revenue of the University, with demonstrable results;
  • Playing an ombudsman’s role in the overall effort to see that the University develops according to its Strategic Plan while ensuring flexibility to reflect evolving global patterns in University development issues;
  • Assisting the Vice-Chancellor in any other channels he may identify from time to time as being critical to the advancement of the University.

Directorate of University Advancement